Support The Children!
You CAN Make a Difference!
Your partnership with Door of Hope Foundation makes it possible for us to continue to support, provide, assist, educate, improve and aid destitute, orphaned, needy and underprivileged children of the world.
If you are interested in becoming a monthly donor for DHF please Contact Us and we’ll be happy to assist you!
*All donations are tax deductible and non-refundable
Payable to:
Door of Hope Foundation
Include your name
and address
“For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited Me in, I needed clothes and you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you came to visit Me... The King will reply, ‘Whatever you did for one of the least of these children of Mine, you did for Me’” Matthew 25:35-36, 40.
Door of Hope Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 6261, Virginia Beach, VA 23456-0261 Email: Phone: 757- 271-6755