Children & Poverty
Poverty is a serious issue that affects most of the world today. We have made lots of information available to you right here so that you can be informed and hopefully become part of the solution.
Poverty Quick Facts
The devastating reality of poverty becomes clear once you begin to understand the facts. These quick fact sheets contain statistics to help educate you about issues that orphaned, needy, and destitute children face everyday.
What the Bible Says
There are more than 2,000 references in the Bible about children and poverty. It is very clear that these two topics are very close to God’s heart. We have compiled a list of Scripture references so you can see God’s deep heart and compassion for these Children.

Famous Quotes
Read famous quotes about children and poverty.
Learn More
After reading all this information you may feel overwhelmed by the statistics and the needs of the children and families in developing countries. Find out how you can Get Involved and make a difference!
Door of Hope Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 6261, Virginia Beach, VA 23456-0261 Email: dhf@doorofhopefoundation.com Phone: 757- 271-6755